"We reached Bikaner this early morning at 5. We left the station when it was still dark and sat for a "chai" at one of the shops that were already fuming with hot pots and pans. So there we sat, sipping our drinks, watching the town awake and slowly brightening up with light and morning life.
One more word: LOVE!!!
We "embarked" on a camel's back yesterday morning. In the cart, a bag of vegs, a carton of water, a bag of flour and one of rice, and tiny bags full of the most colorful spicies....
At lunch we dismantled the camel and chose a spot to light a fire. One of the man kept the flame up with the little wood from the scattered plants grown on this barren land of sand.
We watch all this spellbound, while the other man chops a cabbage, then rolls the dough he simply made out of water and a fistful of flour. Mirek's given onion and garlic to cut, coriander and tomato to add to a wonderful-smelling mix that's started boiling in the hot pot.
We make our way through the desert again, slowly trotting past a couple of villages that only amount to few sandstone houses. Kids wave at us all smiles; we shake their hands, we take pictures that they'll never have or behold again, and just by doing this it's like we've made their days...or weeks? Or Years? Perhaps...who knows...who knows how time passes here for them? Whether it passes at all ?
As for us, after another three hours on cart and camel, we know it's dinner time. We settle behind a dune, when the two kind, not-at-all English-speaking men serve us again. It's sunset and we have it in front of us as it changes colour and prepares for darkness.
The men make our "beds" on the top of the dune, where I literally pass out after an exhausting day and night. It's only 8 pm, the same 8 pm when in London we would probably be home from work, or from uni, or from running, or simply from a technology-packed day in our comfy lives.
We wake up, the sunrise is there as soon as I open my eyelids, as I slept on my right side facing East.
We are served "breakfast in bed", tea and biscuits, and then bananas and toast with mix-fruit jam. When we're ready to go the sun isn't up yet but the heat is already veryheavy. In few hours it'll be impossible to walk barefoot.
We find a shelter to settle and start preparing for lunch. Onion and garlic on the pan makes my mouth water.... And those sweet and spicy potatoes.... Oh my God, that was the best food ever!! We now rest on the rugs they spread out in our " room" . :) "
Zapakowalismy sie na grzbiety naszych wielbladow wczorajszego ranka. Na "wozie" torba warzyw, karton wody, torba z maka i ryzem i male torebki kolorowych przyraw...
Na lunch "zaparkowalismy" nasze wielblady i znalezlismy miejsce zeby rozpalic ognisko. Jeden z naszych opiekunow podtrzymywal plomien podkladajac co chwila male patyczki z krzakow, ktore porastaja ta piaszczysty teren.Drugi mezczyzna kroi kapuste, potem ugniata ciasto, ktore zrobil z samej maki i wody.. Mi za zadanie przypadlo krojenie cebuli i czosnku ( ciekawe dlaczego), pietruszka i pomidor dodany do wspaniale pachnacego mixu, ktopry powoli zaczyna sie gotowac w okopconym garnku.
Ruszamy dalej w pustynie, mijajac kilka wiosek po drodze, zbudowanych z kilku piaskowo-kamiennych domow. Dzieci machaja do nas, usmiechajac sie jednoczesnie, sciskamy ich dlonie, robimy zdjecia, ktorych nigdy nie beda mieli okazji ujrzec ponownie.Wyglada na to, ze tymi malymi gestami robimy ich dzien...tydzien? A moze rok ? Kto wie? Kto wie jak czas przemija dla nich? Czy wogole przemija??
Bo dla nas, po kolejnych 3 godzinach na wielbladach i wozie przychodzi czas na obiad/kolacje. Rozbijamy sie za wydma, kiedy dwoch milych, nie mowiacych wogole po angielsku panow "serwuje" nas ponownie. Przed nami zachod slonca zmienia kolory i przygotowuje sie do ciemnosci. Jeden z Panow "scieli nasze lozka" na szczycie wydmy, gdzie Ciacci odlatuje doslownie w sekundach po wykanczajacym dniu i nocy. Jest dopiero 8 wieczor. Ta sama 8 wieczor, o ktorej w Londynie bysmy prawdopodobnie wracali z pracy, szkoly, z silowni albo po prostu z wypchanego technologia dnia naszego wygodnego zycia.
Budzimy sie wraz ze sloncem. Sniadanie " serwowane do lozka"- herbata i ciastka, pozniej banany i tost z wieloowocowym dzemem. Slonce jeszcze nie wstalo do konca, kiedy my jestesmy gotowi wyruszac dalej, a upal jest juz nie do zniesienia.Za kilka godzin nie ma mozliwosci zeskoczenia na piasek na boasaka. Znajdujemy schronienie, zeby przygotowac lunch. Cebula i czosnek smazone w garnku sprawiaja, ze slinimy sie jak dzieci...I te slodko-ostre ziemniaki ... O Boze , jedno z lepszych dan jakie jedlismy. Po obiedzie czas na odpoczynek- "lozka" przygotowane w naszym "pokoju" do dluuugiej dzemki ... :)